How to make money using Best Change| Exchange rates| Affiliate |
Click here to earn money with this site.
Go make money from this site and click on the partnership program and then sign up. After logging into this site and promoting your advertising link as, attract visitors and get money for every $ 0.04. If 100 visitors get $ 100 * 0.04 = $ 4. So, more visitors, more income.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 1 (only 25 visitors get $ 1 and request to withdraw)
Trusted site.
Terms and conditions to participate in the affiliation program:
By registering on the Exchange Monitoring Site as a subsidiary, you confirm that you fully agree to these terms and conditions and that you must abide by them.
1. The US dollar currency is used to add funds to your account and make payments due to the referral program. To withdraw your dependent money, you can choose between Perfect Money, Bitcoin, OKPay, Payeer and QIWI currencies.
2. The minimum amount of money earned that can be withdrawn from your own account is $ 1.00.
3. You can get up to $ 0.45 for each unique user you get.
3.1. Single visitor payments consist of several separate amounts:
Base price - $ 0.04.
If the user interacts with you:
Use the exchanger monitoring service and you get $ 0.01 x 2;
Return to the site within 3 days, plus you receive $ 0.02
Return to the site within 7 days, plus you receive $ 0.03
Return to the site within 14 days, plus you receive $ 0.05
Return to the site within 30 days, plus you receive $ 0.07
Return to the site within 60 days, plus you receive $ 0.09
Return to the site in 90 days, plus you receive $ 0.13
Registered as a partner, earning 15% of your income in our system;
Registered as a partner and another participant, you earn 5% of the latter's income in our system.

Information 1:
Do you win twice: saving money while exchanging electronic currencies and obtaining money for new participants in the system? Convenient and stable service enables you to do this: - Dynamic exchange rate monitoring process ensures that you save a large amount of money while trading, and the larger the amount you will exchange, the greater it will be ; - Referral bonus payments give new entrants real money that you can transfer to your electronic currency account at any time (once you have $ 1 in your PayPal account). To make it more comfortable for users, there is no need to update the interface of the exchanger monitoring service: everything is done automatically, so all the user has to do is look at the price table for the necessary exchange address and choose the necessary exchanger. Just a new bookmark,, and a link to the exchange monitoring service posted on your forum or blog, and you can get another way to earn extra money.Information 2:
Among the hundreds of exchanges through which Internet users can exchange electronic money, the online monitoring service includes slightly more than forty more reliable, flawless and reputable and high currencies. working levels. Its convenient interface allows you to choose electronic currency exchange services at the best prices at this time. This exchangers monitoring service provides complete information on specific exchanges that start with the most important, the exchange rate, and end with the exchange's reserve and business level, a type of reliability indicator that is provided to the participating exchanger of the WebMoney system. It only takes one click to go from the control table to the exchanger and carry out all the necessary operations: the service not only saves you money, but also saves you time because it exchanges money using the exchange rate you see in the schedule.Information 3:
Monitor exchanger launched a pay-per-view affiliate program so that more visitors have not logged in since. This affiliate program will be more profitable for those who own sites that sell or advertise products and services that people pay for with electronic money. They pay up to $ 0.45 per new visitor. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn from a partner account is only $ 1. Anyone can win with you don't have to have your own website to do it. You can post your promotional text using your referral link, for example on forums, blogs, social media and other sites. Please refer to the affiliate program description for detailed information.We’ll talk about all the available ways to advertise affiliate links and receive high-quality paid traffic.
1. Use of your site (including blog)
Publish an article on BestChange;Put our banner ad;
Post text ads.
2. Use of YouTube
· Record and publish a video review of our service (with a link to the partner mentioned in the description directly below the video);Post our official videos on your own channel;
Comment on related videos (online currency exchange, exchanges, exchange control, money transfer, various payment systems, etc.) By the link of your mentioned partner. Commenting on irrelevant videos is spam, and in accordance with the rules of our affiliate program, your affiliate account is blocked.
3. The use of social networks.
Put affiliate link in your groupPut your partner’s link in your profile.
Comment in groups, videos, publications, etc.
Record and publish videos in your albums;
Post our official videos in your albums.
4. Comment on related sites / blogs
You can comment on relevant sites and blogs. The more natural your comment, the more likely your moderator will approve it. Conversely, an unprepared comment referring to an affiliate link is unlikely to produce any result, and at the same time, these comments are likely to be deleted.5. Discuss forums
Create a new forum topic;Respond to discussions on related topics;
Put the link of your partner in the signature of your message.
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